Information display Evocity

No civil engineering ! Mobile and multi-purpose!

Discover Evocity information display.

For the first time ever, Elan Cité offers a street light autonomous information display.

Mobile and multi-purpose, Evocity display can be installed on any existing pole and can be removed according to your needs (events, roadworks..)

EN Evocity top1

Value for money

Offered at an affordable price, Evocity information display meets both the needs of small municipalities and deployment of a large fleet in big cities.

Easy installation

Evocity requires no single software install.

Edition and scheduling of messages is done from a secure website.

GPRS transmission ensures for real time display of messages.    


Visible both day and night, Evocity ensures excellent display quality.

The use of high performance LED allows outdoor display of information texts and pictures in all weather conditions, even in direct sunlight.

The total resolution of 64 * 96 pixels offers up to 8 lines of 19 characters.

EN Evocity visibility
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Compact lightweight (<20kg), Evocity information display can be installed on any existing pole.

Users thus avoiding the installation of a concrete bloc or/and additional pole.

Energy saving

With its ultra-low power design, Evocity can directly be recharged by street light power, ensuring budget control to the users.


Technologies implemented by Elan Cité have been successfully tested since more than 10 years, to ensure long term operation of the device in any weather condition. LED boards, electronic cards, housings and cables are also widely used in our radar speed signs.

EN Evocity Economy

Want to improve traffic in your city? Contact us

Or get contacted by Elan Cité export department.

conseiller femme 15percent

About us

Created in 2005 as a French pionneer manufacturer of radar speed signs, Elan Cité now offers a full range of solutions for traffic management, urban and passenger information displays.


sites equipped


radar speed signs installed


Elancity has maintained it's operating capacity. Our personnel are working remotely & remain at your disposal !